
Sustainability is one of our pillars. The contribution made by coffee growing and trading groups to environmental and social issues is highly positive, compared with most alternative economic activities. On the environmental side coffee is an evergreen shrub, hence an important contributor to carbon sequestration, and is effective in stabilizing soils. It also permits the preservation of much of the original bio-diversity in planted areas.

One of the main problems for some regions is water pollution arising from wet processing. To address this issue, the RDR assists coffee farmers to use environmentally-friendly technologies for the washing process through succesful pilot projects.

It is vital that coffee production and processing should take into account environmental needs to ensure sustainability. It is also necessary that the economic environment should encourage stability and reasonable living standards for the populations involved with coffee, and ensure the maintenance of quality.

Coffee also makes a positive contribution on the social side to maintaining substantial rural employment and stable communities. Improving the living standards of coffee producers, especially smallholders, is a priority for RDR.