RDR is fully committed to the environment. To this end, we also have the green seal certification, accredited by European bodies and the Brazilian government, meeting the highest standards of national and international environmental legislation. We have proof that there is no deforestation in our farms and our partners. This is good for the planet and good for us.
Other Green Seals we work with
The packaging of the products we buy contains a large amount of information. Some of it refers to the product’s impact on the environment. These are called sustainable seals, or green seals.
There are literally hundreds of registered green seals worldwide, covering every imaginable sector and product category. They are used as a communication mechanism with the customer to show that a company is environmentally friendly and has a competitive edge over its competitors.
To make life a little easier for consumers, we work with a list of other green seals in Brazil.
FSC – 100% Seal
This means that 100% of the raw material used in the production of the final product is certified and comes from well-managed forests.
FSC – Recycled Seal
This means that the product was made from recycled raw material, with a 100% guarantee that it came from a certified forest.
ABNT Eco-label
The Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) has had the Eco-label since 1993, a voluntary certification that aims to attest to the environmental performance of products or services in Brazil. The criteria take into account the environmental impact of the product on the air, water, soil and health throughout its entire life cycle; from the extraction of raw materials, through its production, use phases, disposal and waste treatment.
Green Seal – Chico Mendes Institute
Certifies companies that combine their efforts to carry out socio-environmental management. The company answers a questionnaire and is then visited by the technical staff of the Chico Mendes Institute. Certification occurs in three categories: responsible socio-environmental management, sustainable product and responsible socio-environmental action/case.
Selo Verde – MG
Selo Verde-MG supports the monitoring and evaluation of sustainable agricultural development policies in the State of Minas Gerais. The platform estimates agricultural production and environmental suitability for rural properties registered in the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR).
By integrating data from public agencies and applying advanced geospatial analyses, Selo Verde-MG aims to provide transparent traceability of agricultural production and combat illegal deforestation.
Utilizing cutting-edge technology and the best available cartographic data, the platform aims to:
1- Assess the compliance of rural properties with the Forest Code.
2- Provide transparent traceability of agricultural producers, including coffee, soy, forest plantations, and sugar cane.
3- Integrate updated information and data from state and federal agencies.
4- Assist in social-environmental compliance.
5- Identify unauthorized deforestation at the property-level.